The Mountain We Climb
Author: Dr. Wayne Swan
This book is the Road Map to the kind of life you deserve.
Most people want to accomplish great things - improve their own lives and make the world better in some way. You might be thinking, "but why does it have to be so hard"? Life can seem like a constant battle, yet some people make 'impossible' things happen.
How do these high-achievers tap into the mother lode of power and unstoppable greatness that lies mostly dormant within us all?
What draws out the greatness we have inside? Contrary to popular belief, we all have the potential to do great things, to create the kind of life and happiness we desire. If you feel even the slightest doubt about this, you need to reread this book! Dr. Swan puts himself forward as a guide to show you the way, the Mountian We Climb is your secret road map to the life you desire and deserve.