Don’t Block my Brilliance
How do we measure success for our young black boys in these modern times? Can it truly be just about whether they are able to land a good job, get married and raise children? Of course, society says that if they can become a successful sportsman, musician or entertainer, even more the better!But for all of the young black boys that have been able to achieve these long accepted markers of success set by society, what real progress have people of African-descent really made in terms of changing the status quo of how society is structured? More importantly, as a result of looking to measure the success of our boys of African-descent by someone else’s yardstick, how much of their absolutely phenomenal and innate genius has gone unlocked and untapped.Perhaps it’s time we do something different! Don’t Block His Brilliance – A Handbook of Top 10 Principles To Empower The Brilliance of Boys of African Descent provides not just a template but a complete manual that guides us on what it truly takes to create a paradigm of brilliance, responsibility and above all, purpose for our boys.