Anansi the Trickster Spider
Anansi The Trickster Spider - Volumes One and Two (16 short stories) The stories featured in this book introduce Anansi the Spider, a traditional African trickster character. Anansi is as clever as he is lazy and he loves to prove just how smart he is by tricking the people of the village and the animals of the jungle. Luckily Anansi is not always as clever as he likes to think he is. Sometimes everything backfires on him and he becomes the victim of his own tricks. This book contains 16 short stories that were originally published as two eBook volumes, available to download from Amazon. These stories are: - Anansi and the gum doll - How Anansi got to ride Tiger - How Anansi turned an ear of corn into one hundred goats - How Anansi won the stories of the Sky God - Why spiders stay on the ceiling - Anansi and the witch named ‘Five’ - Anansi and the pot of wisdom - Anansi and the Tommy (Thompson Gazelle) - How Anansi missed four parties on one night - Anansi invites Turtle to tea - Anansi, Fly and Ant win the sun - Anansi and the talking melon - Anansi and the moss covered rock - Why Anansi has thin, long legs - Anansi and the field of corn - Anansi and the tug of war