Goddess Detox Bath
The New Moon is a great time to set new intentions and release a lot of unnecessary baggage. A new lunar phase begins and it’s a time for recharging. The New Moon is a clean slate – a blank canvas for you to vibrantly & freely write all of your new intentions and dreams.
This detox bath is not just for cleansing the body but also the spirit and mind. With clarity, we are able to receive the gifts the universe has to offer us.
Don’t be surprised if after this bath you suddenly feel like cleaning your spaces or meditating more! Though one Goddess Detox Bath may be sufficient for you, I recommend enjoying it once at least once a month.
* If you don’t have a bath tub, this ritual can also work as a foot bath.
IMPORTANT! This is a DETOX Bath - meaning you need to make sure that you are hydrated. Make sure to drink plenty spring water before, during and at least 7 days after taking the Goddess Detox Bath. I recommend drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day.
INGREDIENTS: Himalayan pink salt, bentonite clay, green tea, dandelion tea, lavender essential oil, rosemary essential oil, fresh rosemary sprig, clear quartz crystal, and rose quartz crystal
Contains 2-3 Baths per bottle
DISCLAIMER: Avoid the bath if you're pregnant. Consult physician if you have high blood pressure or any other health issues. This information should not replace professional advice by a qualified medical or herbal practitioner.