Magical Secrets of the Psalms
KEPT SECRET FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS...THIS NEW INTERPRETATION OF THE MAGICAL POWERS OF THE PSALMS IS REVEALED AT LAST! For centuries the Church has kept hidden the process of using the Psalms for magical purposes. Even though religions of the Book often practiced "magic", such as the ringing of church bells to avert storms, the rest of the population could suffer dire consequences if caught using magical spells, especially spells involving the use of the Bible. However, learned men and women discovered how to work the formulas and spells of Psalm magic from forgotten books of Jewish wisdom that are hidden behind the written words of the Psalms. It is thought that the Angels of the Lord were commanded to teach the secret, mystical knowledge contained within the Psalms. This is so that we could understand that the spark of creation is contained within all of us, and with that, we can attain wisdom, riches, love, joy, health, and success through the power of the Psalms. This new interpretation of magical secrets of the Psalms will show you simple methods to to fulfill your inner most desires, dreams and wishes. The Magical Secrets of the Psalms can be worked anywhere and at anytime. Using the magic of candle burning, these beautiful Psalms can be used to bring great success and happiness, which is exactly what God intended for all of us.