African Medicine: A Complete Guide to Yoruba Healing Science and African Herbal Remedies
A combination of West African Healing Wisdom, spirituality, and modern science, presents a self-care healing guide in which Concepts such as Orisha Energies form the basis for diagnosis and treatment of chronic illnesses that most frequently threatened balanced health. The Yoruba people, a tribe in West Africa, are considered to be the oldest herbalists on the planet. After living in ancient benin for a time, they settle in Egypt, bringing with them an herbal, dietary, and healing drum system dating back 75,000 Years BC. Dr. Tariq Sawandi presents Yoruba medicine as a comprehensive system of healthcare that heals the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. Chapters include the history, philosophy, methodology, and medicinal usage of African and Caribbean herbs, Roots, gemstones, and sound to heal cancer, sickle cell anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and other chronic diseases. This empowering book gives you many approaches to balanced health with easy-to-use charts, diagrams, and tables.