The Celestine Prophecy
Ibo as a Healing Technique in Ifa Divination System
Orisa Devotion as World Religion
Meeting Ma’at - The African Centered Handbook for Conducting Meetings
Speaking with Spirit
The Journey with the Master
Dark Light Consciousness: Melanin, Serpent Power, and the Luminous Matrix of Reality
DMT The Spirit Molecule
Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians
Road of Ash and Dust
Yoruba 16 Oracle Geomancy
The African Unconscious
Sacred Smoke
Cannabis and Spirituality: An Explorer's Guide to an Ancient Plant Spirit Ally
Olodumare - God in Yoruba Belief
Selections from the Husia
Odu Ifa
The Writing System of Medu Neter
The Master Book of Candle Burning
Candle Burning Magic with the Psalms
Flash of the Spirit
Called to Heal
The Opposer - K. Tuzo
Iba Se Orisa: Ifa Proverbs, Folktales, Sacred History And Prayer